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2008-10-15 22:52
# 1

Much obliged!

Nowadays, many people are sufferingfrom long working hours. Doctors are no exception. Many of them have to workcontinuously for 36 hours continuously. Writean article explaining the consequences of this problem and what can be done to addressit. Please give your article a title.

Doctors’ Predicament

Noone will deny that Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city of prosperity andstability. Has anyone ever thought about who has sacrificed for its prosperityand stability? The recent rash of strikes and controversy about maximum workinghours are telling comments on how labour’s welfare has been marginalized inHong Kong. The victims, however, are not just cheap labour.

Inthis generation when money transcends everything, it is known to everyone thatmany employers heap scorn on labour’s welfare. It comes as no surprise that adustman is coerced into working long hours. What sends shock waves through thecity is that doctors, those being jealous of and having high social rank, alsobecome the victims of this problem. Most of them have got to work continuouslyfor 36 hours, which is a torment. The public should not be apathetic to thedoctors’ predicament, for long working hours will not only jeopardize doctors’health, but also give rise to a plague of worrying problems.

Firstand foremost, fatigued doctors are particularly prone to mistakes, which inturn constitutes a grave menace to patients’ lives. Not only do doctors need todeal with massive daily work, but many of they also have to be on call atnight. It is little wonder that doctors become exhausted after working allthrough the night, for they are just flesh and blood after all. Being fatigued,they can’t look after their patients carefully. Sad to say, their carelessnessalways results in patients’ suffering, if not death, which is a tragedy.

Further,long working hours is doomed to cause brain drain as well as affecting doctors’performance. Compared with doctors in other countries, doctors in Hong Kongsuffer from a much more heavier workload. For Hong Kong doctors, working aroundthe clock is nothing astonishing. Fulfilling the same duty but being burdenedwith a much more massive workload, Hong Kong doctors will in all likelihood optfor working overseas rather than serving local patients. Training doctorsrequires commitment of good money, which comes from the public. It is veryironic that they go to work overseas after graduating.

Tomake matters worse, long working hours will inevitably reduce the young’spassion for being a doctor. Given that there are already not enough doctors inhospitals, if the problem keeps worsening, the health care system in Hong Kongwill be destined to collapse, which will ravage Hong Kong.

Theseproblems are just the tip of an iceberg. Piles of other even more seriousproblems, such as doctors’ strikes and protests paralyzing the health care system,will arise out of doctors’ long working hours. For doctors and patients’ sake,the authorities concerned are obliged to do something short-term and long-termlest the situation would deteriorate.

Inthe short term, the Hospital Authority should examine its policy on doctors’welfare in no time. It should give top priority to reforming the current policy,in which doctors’ welfare has long been marginalized. The new policy shouldaccord doctors adequate time to take rest by establishing an eight-hour shift.Those doctors on call at night and responsible for caring for patients withspecial needs should be given less daily work and allocated more resources,such as nurses, as a result of which doctors can take more rest. Moreimportantly, the government should legislate to safeguard doctors’ interests atonce.

Inthe long term, the government should pour more resources into training moredoctors. When the number of doctors has increased, their workload can bereduced automatically.

People dare not to board a fatigued driver’scar, let alone receive a sleep-deprived doctor’s medical consultations. TheHospital Authority must awaken to the fact that doctors are just flesh andblood, and not immune to the effect of fatigue after all. Please give ourrespectable doctors more rest!

2008-12-17 14:07
# 2
simple english is good english....

2010-4-5 11:08
# 3
Your Essay is pretty good. But slightly typo and stuff. <br />well, Im sure that you notice that. <br />Sometimes people tend to use some complicate and uncommon words, <br />it's good that you understand, and use it. it'll make it more stand out.<br />Yet, if you over use them, it'll give others an opposite impression.<br />Most of the times, the more simple it is, the better it'll come out to be. <br />=======<br />but overall it's good.

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